I am Thankful to be a mother to these 5 kids. God blessed me so much with Tamon, Chance, Aubrie, Dayne, and Skye. I sometimes feel overwhelmed with grattitude that He chose me to raise these great...wonderful...precious children that make my life complete. They are worth all of the sacrifices that I make on a daily basis...just to ensure their happiness. Without them, the laughter would not be as abundant in our home.
I am thankful to be married into a family that I love just as dearly as I love my own. My Sisters~In~Law are my best friends, and my "Mother in Love" is very dear to my heart. She has taught me many things over the years...I was only a mere 15 years old when I came storming into her life with all the wild wills of a teenage girl. She has shown me love and understanding when I needed it, and scolded me when I needed that, too! God blessed me with the kind of "Mother in Love" that I want to be.
I am thankful for my Mom. She is my Best friend. She is my supporter, my sounding post, my advise giver, my baby sitter. She is my Mom. She is the grandmother that I always wanted her to be to my children. She has patience and kindness and lots of junk in the house for them when they come over!
I am Thankful for This Man:
Joe is my ROCK. He has been by my side for almost 18 years of my life and, God willing... he will be by my side for many many more. I am thankful that he is a loving and supportive husband. I am thankful that he is a wonderful father to his children, and I am truly thankful that God gave us to each other. I would be incomplete without him. He makes me laugh, cry, sing and dance, giggle, play, work, and encourages me to do the best that I can in EVERYTHING that I do. I could not have chosen a better man to be the Daddy to my children...and to spend the rest of my life with.
I am also thankful for my sisters and brothers, my Dad, my home, my health...and all of those other typical things. God has blessed me more than any one person probably deserves...but I am not complaining! I welcome His blessings...and I am truly Thankful for them Each and EVERY ONE.