This week, as they try to move back into functioning in everyday tasks, the Bella Blog has decided to feature all 3 Artistas TOGETHER! How SUPER COOL is that! You can see me on todays and yesterdays features on the Bella Blog, but here are the first 2 projects that are shown.....I will show the rest as they feature on the blog.
This first one was done with a sketch that The Bella Babes team provided to me. I LOVE LOVE LOVED this sketch the second I saw it. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it!...........................

I made a Quilt! Actually, I featured a photo of my Granny making a quilt...and just used my Bella papers to do a "mock" quilt on the layout. I made the patchwork squares to resemble an old style she would have done...and I even used ribbon to "hang" it on a "quilt rack"!! This sketch was soooo inspiring! Oh...and those little white flowers....Made 'em! I used the medium and small retro flower punches to aide me in my creative process in designing these little flowers! Watch for a tutorial on them soon!
And for this one...I had to do a layout to I did this one using all of the texting blurbs....and to show how I LOATHE texting! I much prefer the old fashioned way of picking up a stinkin' phone if you need to contact me! Even as much as I hate the phone...I hate texting more! LOL...but I know that I MUST learn...because with as many kids as this chick has....I will be a texting kinda mama before I know it!
Well...thank you all for checking it out today! I will have more to post as they are featured on the Bella Blog! Have a FANTABULOUS Day!!!!