Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One heck of a day!!

Yesterday, after I dropped kids off at school, I came home and hopped in the shower and heard a loud BOOM that shook my house. A transformer blew REALLY close to me. Because Joe is an electrician, I knew it would be lights out for a few hours, so I got dressed and headed out to run some errands. I finished early, so I went to the school to pick up Skye...she gets out at was 10:50, so I was only a little bit early. I pulled into the parking lot, only to be rushed out of the way...for a firetruck! there was a fire in the school!! I THOUGHT they were having a drill...but was real! I could see the black smoke billowing from the back of the cafeteria. Several of the teachers told me that it was in the bathroom that was beside the cafeteria...not the kitchen. How do you think that happened??? Yep, some child had set the fire. =(

I had to stay for over an hour because they were not releasing any student...not even pre-k because they were unable to return to the school until all of the smoke was cleared out. I can only Thank God that no one was hurt. I did not take the rest of them, because they wanted pre~k to go, while they did one last check to make sure the school was clear. They were not releasing any other student. The lunch was ready...first lunch would have been at 10:50...which is when it was detected. The first teacher walking her class into the lunchroom saw the smoke coming from the restroom. It was an adventure for them.!!!!!!


Michelle said...

WOW!! That was scary! Hope the elec company got that transformer fixed. Greg is not an electrician but works for an elect. wholesale house up here in Mpls. How is there for the electricians. There are so many that are on the bench that won't see work for a long time! Especially the union shops.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

how scary!!! i hope everyone was ok...and that is very sad that a student set the fire :(